Vision & Mission


As a center of innovation in the field of information technology that is internationally competitive, especially Intelligent Systems, Data Mining and Software Engineering centered on agriculture, maritime affairs, and tourism as well as e-Government to support good governance.


To ensure the achievement of Vision PSMTI, it is necessary to formulate the steps contained in the Mission PSMTI as below:

  1. Carry out the Tridharma of higher education for:
    • Organizing quality education to produce master graduates who have high competence both independently and in groups that are globally competitive, have religious character, and have leadership especially in intelligent systems, data mining and software engineering centered on agriculture, maritime affairs, and tourism and e-Government who uphold ethics, character, capability, integrity and entrepreneurship and have a spirit of lifelong learning.
    • Organizing research in the field of information technology that supports the information technology industry and is worthy of publication at the international level and can be disseminated for the benefit of society, the world of tourism, agriculture, maritime affairs and smart-Government.
    • Play an active role in social activities in order to prosper the community by disseminating research results.
  2. Building strategic and sustainable cooperation with national and international partners to support the implementation of tridharma in the field of information technology.
  3. Creating an academic environment with good governance based on Information and Computer Technology (ICT) to encourage innovation in the implementation of the tridarma of higher education.